Why Arthur Pendragon Should Be the Next President

For those who have lost faith in the U.S. political system, Arthur Pendragon’s announcement that he will run in the next presidential election comes as a breath of fresh air. While Pendragon’s candidacy comes as a surprise to many, his skills and popularity make him a natural choice.

Pendragon is no stranger to the halls of congress. Some 15 years ago, when he was barely out of college, he was elected to the House of Representatives in a surprise upset. A journalist from his home town, Swordstone, Alaska, noted that the ideals he stood for as a member of the Green Party were exactly what the environmentally conscious electorate were looking for.

Four years after entering the House, Pendragon was elected to Congress. Since then, he has spent much of his time trying to toughen fines against those companies who choose not to obey environmental law, and putting forward legislation to strengthen the position of the country’s military.

Arthur Pendragon stands out as a beacon of morality compared to his presidential opponents. He assures the public that he has nothing to hide. He is deeply religious. The fact that his religion can be either Paganism or Christianity, depending upon who you ask, is not relevant. He takes his religion, whatever it is, and its ideals seriously. This can be seen in his treatment of his sister, who is an unwed mother, and her child. Pendragon treats the child like one of his own.

Those who are unsure about Pendragon need only to watch the televised debates. He shines when compared to his primary opponent, William Saxon. Critics note that Saxon, who spent most of his life in Europe, seems like a foreigner who does not have a good grasp of the issues facing the country today.

It remains to be seen who Pendragon will choose as a running mate. Those close to the matter are guessing either Lance Allot, or John Gawain. Allot seems to be a favorite among Pendragon’s supporters. He is a military man with an outstanding service record. As a life long friend of Pendragon’s, Allot would be an obvious choice. The senator can frequently be found in the company of Pendragon, or his wife, Gwen. Gawain, while not quite so popular a choice, has shown himself to be one of Pendragon’s most dedicated and loyal supporters in Congress.

Anyone who is unhappy with the status quo should consider voting for Arthur Pendragon in the upcoming election. Pendragon’s legendary ability to act on the issues that are important to the people would make him a president who can truly make this the great country it should be.

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